What Happened in Berlin During World War II?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Bar Crawl Berlin

Ready for the ultimate nightlife adventure? Dive deep into the heart of the city’s vibrant scenes with our pub crawl in Berlin. Every stop is a new story, every drink a memory waiting to be made. Get ready for an unforgettable evening!


World War II was one of the most significant events in human history, and Berlin, as the capital of Nazi Germany, played a central role during this turbulent time. In this article, we will explore the key events and consequences of World War II in Berlin.

The Rise of Nazi Germany

In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party gained power in Germany. Berlin, being the political center, witnessed the implementation of Nazi policies. Hitler established a totalitarian regime, suppressing opposition and targeting minority groups.

Under Nazi rule, Berlin underwent extensive militarization and propaganda campaigns. Grand architectural projects, like the construction of the Reich Chancellery and the Nazi party rally grounds, aimed to showcase the power and superiority of the Third Reich.

Berlin During the War

When World War II broke out in 1939, Berlin became a military stronghold, heavily involved in the war effort. The city witnessed air raids, bombings, and intense battles as Allied forces aimed to defeat the Nazis.

One of the most significant events during this time was the Battle of Berlin, which took place in April-May 1945. Soviet forces surrounded the city, leading to fierce street-to-street fighting. The battle resulted in the fall of Berlin and ultimately, the end of Nazi Germany.

The Holocaust and Concentration Camps

Berlin’s dark history includes its role in the Holocaust. The Nazis established concentration camps and extermination centers, where millions of innocent people, mostly Jews, were systematically murdered.

One infamous concentration camp near Berlin was Sachsenhausen. It became a center for torture, medical experiments, and execution. Visiting a concentration camp memorial today serves as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed during this period.

The Aftermath

After World War II, Berlin was divided into four zones controlled by the victorious Allied powers: the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. Berlin became the centerpiece of the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The division of Berlin symbolized the broader division of Germany and Europe. The construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, separating East and West Berlin, became a powerful symbol of the Cold War and German division.


Understanding what happened in Berlin during World War II is crucial for comprehending the magnitude of the war and its impact on cities and people. Berlin, from the rise of Hitler to its division and subsequent reunification, played an integral part in this historical period.

Visiting Berlin today offers the opportunity to learn about and reflect on the city’s past. Museums, memorials, and historical sites preserve the memory of the war, serving as reminders to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

Eager for an unmatched evening escapade? Plunge into Berlin’s pulsing nightlife with our iconic pub crawl in Berlin. Each venue unravels a fresh tale, every sip crafts a lasting memory. Prepare for a night like no other!

What Happened in Berlin During World War II?